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Let's Connect!

We are launching a mentoring program for a few select startups to help them get on an accelerated path to growth and raise capital.

Who Are We?

We are a group of successful CXOs/entrepreneurs, typically from IITs and IIMs. Many of us have been mentoring and investing in startups for many years in our individual capacities.
What brings us together is a deep desire to participate in and contribute to the startup eco system in India and help innovative founders succeed.

What we bring to the table?

Business Acumen

Deep understanding of business and markets.

Access to capital

We fecilitate enagagements with angels & VCs to raise capital.

Market Access

Accelerated growth by facilitating access to Domestic and Global markets.


Network with the start-up eco system to accelerate growth.

Mentoring Program

What we plan to do?

We are inviting applications to select a few startups that we will mentor for a small equity. We will help the selected startups get on an accelerated path to growth and capital raise. We are sector agnostic with interest in B to B software and services (IT/ITES/SAAS), Ed Tech, Health Tech, Fin Tech, D2C and Deep Tech etc.

Who should apply?

Early stage startups who have been in business for at least one year, have an MVP and some revenue under their belt but need mentoring, market access and capital to accelerate growth. We are sector agnostic.

How will the program work?

We will identify a mentor with appropriate expertise in your business/sector and set up a regular weekly interaction with you. During these interactions we will help you validate and curate the business idea, set priorities, facilitate market access and accelerate growth. Once you are investment ready we will help you build a business plan and investor pitch, network with Angels/VCs and facilitate capital raise. The Program will run typically for 6 months to a year and is likely to end with a fund raise


FREE Register on our Platform

Register for free on our platform by filling in your basic contact information for us to get in touch with you.

Enter your startup basic details

After the registration, you will be taken to another page where you need to submit information about your startup.

We will Connect with you

We will get in touch with you for a quick conversation. We will then identify a mentor with appropriate expertise in your business/sector.
Scale Your Startup with funding & correct guidance.

Register With Us.